Success in the first attempt to pass the IIA-CIA-CIA-PART3-3P exam is possible because the latest IIA-CIA-PART3-3P dumps (2022) CIA Exam Part Three online resource has been updated and you can find it here.
IIA-CIA-Part3-3P dumps are an effective way to prepare, and for the CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing exam, getting real IIA-CIA-Part3-3P dumps resources means having a head start. Go to the IIA-CIA-Part3-3P dumps address: and you will see the brand new IIA-CIA-PART3-3P exam questions (PDF or VCE format).
CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing exam Keywords for success in the: IIA-CIA-PART3-3P dumps.
Why should you pass the IIA-CIA-PART3-3P exam?
The IIA IIA-CIA-PART3-3P exam is one of the exams certified by the CIA. Passing the IIA-CIA-PART3-3P exam gives CIA Certifications, which I said about in the previous article.

Next, let’s review:
You must pass three exams:
- Part 1: Essentials of Internal Auditing
- Part 2: Practice of Internal Auditing
- Part 3: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
Here we mainly talk about CIA Exam Part Three.
What is the focus of the CIA Exam Part Three exam?
Basic must:
Exam Name: CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
Certifications: CIA
Abbreviation: IIA-CIA-PART3-3P
Total questions: 100 questions
Exam time: 120 minutes
Test candidates’ knowledge, skills, and abilities, especially in relation to these core business concepts.
Notable content:
- Added a new subdomain on data analysis.
- Cybersecurity Risks and Emerging Technologies Practical Knowledge Points Need Attention.
- The proportion of “Business Acumen” has expanded, and more study is needed.
Reference resources:
- Auditor Essentials: 100 Concepts, Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Success, by Hernan Murdock
- Auditing Social Media: A Governance and Risk Guide, by J. Mike Jacka and Peter Scott
- Current resources on internal auditing and relevant topics
- The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework
There are many more I will not list them one by one, you can find them in the official.
You can check IIA-CIA-PART3-3P questions quality with free dumps:
You must spend a lot of time studying the actual questions of the updated IIA-CIA-Part3-3P dumps and focusing on the IIA-CIA-Part3-3P exam topics.
QUESTION 1: Which of the following is an element of effective negotiating?
A. Ensuring that the other party has a personal stake in the agreement.
B. Focusing on interests rather than on obtaining a winning position.
C. Considering a few select choices during the settlement phase.
D. Basing the agreement on negotiating power and positioning leverage.
Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 2: Which of the following conditions could lead an organization to enter into a new business through internal development rather than through acquisition?
A. It is expected that there will be slow retaliation from incumbents.
B. The acquiring organization has information that the selling organization is weak.
C. The number of bidders to acquire the organization for sale is low.
D. The condition of the economy is poor.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 3: Which of the following IT strategies is most effective for responding to competitive pressures created by the marketplace?
A. Promote closer linkage between organizational strategy and information.
B. Provide users with greater online access to information systems.
C. Enhance the functionality of application systems.
D. Expand the use of automated controls.
Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 4: Which of the following statements regarding organizational governance is not correct?
A. An effective internal audit function is one of the four cornerstones of good governance.
B. Those performing governance activities are accountable to the customer.
C. Accountability is one of the key elements of organizational governance.
D. Governance principles and the need for an internal audit function are applicable to governmental and not-for-profit
Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 5: When writing a business memorandum, the writer should choose a writing style that achieves all of the following:
A. Draws positive attention to the writing style.
B. Treats all receivers with respect.
C. Suits the method of presentation and delivery.
D. Develops ideas without overstatement.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 6: Which of the following is a product-oriented definition of a business rather than a market-oriented definition of a business?
A. We are a people-and-goods mover.
B. We supply energy.
C. We make movies.
D. We provide climate control in the home.
Correct Answer: C
QUESTION 7: An internal auditor was asked to review an equal equity partnership In one sampled transaction Partner A transferred equipment into the partnership with a self-declared value of $10,000 and Partner B contributed equipment with a self-declared value of $15 000 The capital accounts of each partner were subsequently credited with S12,500. Which of the following statements is true regarding this transaction?
A. The capital accounts of the partners should be increased by the original cost of the contributed equipment.
B. The capital accounts should be increased using a weighted average based on the current percentage of ownership
C. No action is needed as the capital account of each partner was increased by the correct amount
D. The capital accounts of the partners should be increased by the fair market value of their contribution
Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 8: Which of the following are appropriate functions for an IT steering committee?
1) Assess the technical adequacy of standards for systems design and programming. 2) Continually monitor of the
adequacy and accuracy of software and hardware in use. 3) Assess the effects of new technology on the
organization\’s IT operations. 4) Provide broad oversight of implementation, training, and operation of new systems.
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 1, 2, and 4
C. 1, 3, and 4
D. 2, 3, and 4
Correct Answer: D
QUESTION 9: One change control function that is required in client/server environments, but is not required in mainframe environments, is to ensure that:
A. Program versions are synchronized across the network.
B. Emergency move procedures are documented and followed.
C. Appropriate users are involved in program change testing.
D. Movement from the test library to the production library is controlled.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 10: In an organization where enterprise risk management practices are mature, which of the following is a core internal audit role?
A. Giving assurance that risks are evaluated correctly.
B. Developing the risk management strategy for the board\\’s approval.
C. Facilitating the identification and evaluation of risks.
D. Coaching management in responding to risk.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 11: When management uses the absorption costing approach, fixed manufacturing overhead costs are classified as which of the following types of costs?
A. Direct product costs
B. Indirect product costs
C. Direct period costs
D. Indirect period costs.
Correct Answer: A
QUESTION 12: Which of the following is the first step an internal audit activity should undertake when executing a data analytics process?
A. Conduct a risk assessment regarding the effectiveness of the data analytics process.
B. Analyze possible and available sources of raw data
C. Define the purpose and the anticipated value
D. Select data for cleaning and normalization procedures.
Correct Answer: B
QUESTION 13: New data privacy laws require an organization to use collected customer information for me sole purpose of meeting the organization\\’s business requirements. Which of the following best addresses the risk of the organization not complying with this objective?
A. Provide training on social engineering attacks
B. Encrypt the customer information retained by the organization
C. Establish policies that discipline those who misuse customer information
D. Allocate access profiles for each end-user of the information
Correct Answer: B
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